Activate your chakras with mudras and mantras

Mudra means 'gesture' in ancient Sanskrit. In yoga, mudras are used to activate more awareness to the energetic points (chakras) within the spiritual body and to unblock the blocked energy.

Image of chakras

Root Chakra (Muladhara): color - RED; mantra - LAM; element - EARTH. Thumb and Index fingers touch. Hands on knees, arms are straight.

Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana): color - ORANGE; mantra - VAM; element - WATER. Hands on lap with palms faring upwards, right palm resting on top of left.

Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura): color - YELLOW; mantra - RAM; element - FIRE. Hands between heart and stomach.

Hearth chakra (Anahata): color - GREEN; mantra - YAM; element - AIR. Right hand: index finger and thumb touching at Hearth Center. Left hand: same mudra, but resting on the knee.

Throat chakra (Vishuddha): color - LIGHT BLUE; mantra - HAM; element - SOUND. Hands in front of the stomach, fingers interlaced and thumb tips are touching.

Third eye chakra (Ajna): color - DARK BLUE/PURPLE; mantra - AUM; element - LIGHT. Hands in front of the lower part of the breast. Middle fingers stand up, tips are touching, other fingers bent at first joint.

Crown chakra (Sahasrara): color - VIOLET; mantra - OM; element - CONSCIOUSNESS. Hands in front of the stomach, fingers interlaced. Little fingers pointing upwards.
