Aloe Vera - benefits for health and beauty
Aloe is a plant that has been used for medical purposes for centuries. It is included not only in food supplements, but also in natural cosmetics. It contains active substances in its leaves and has many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The gel can be easily extracted from the plant at home and can be used as a drink or may be applied on skin and hair.
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Genmaicha - Japanese green tea with brown rice kernels
Genmaicha (玄米茶, brown rice tea in Japanese) is a unique and little known green tea with roasted brown rice. It has a light yellow color, nutty taste and roasted rice aroma. Apart from being tasty, genmaicha is very healthy and gives the body some highly important benefits. It is very well known in the Japanese culinary and culture.
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Cambodia: tips for your trip
Located in Southeast Asia, Cambodia borders the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. It is an important air and river connection between India and China, as well as the rest of Southeast Asia. Phnom Penh is the capital of the country, but Siem Reap on the Nordwest is the main tourist destination, thanks to the famous Angkor Wat stone temple complex built during the Khmer Empire.
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3 days in Singapore
Singapore is a global financial center with a lot of modern buildings and skyscrapers. Its tropical climate and charming spirit, bring more and more tourists to the island each year. You can explore Singapore’s main spots for three days only. Here is a list of the must see places.
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