Genmaicha - Japanese green tea with brown rice kernels

Genmaicha (玄米茶, brown rice tea in Japanese) is a unique and little known green tea with roasted brown rice. It has a light yellow color, nutty taste and roasted rice aroma. Apart from being tasty, genmaicha is very healthy and gives the body some highly important benefits. It is very well known in the Japanese culinary and culture.


Genmaicha’s main health benefits:

  1. Antioxidant
  2. Boosts metabolism
  3. Aids in weight loss
  4. Reduces stress and anxiety and helps with the sleep
  5. Lowers the bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol
  6. Lowers the blood pressure and prevents from hypertension
  7. Prevents from heart diseases
  8. Fights against cancer causing cells
  9. Regulates the thyroid
  10. Anti - aging

A cup of warm genmaicha tea every day will guarantee you wonderful health benefits. It doesn’t matter if you drink it before, during or after a meal, it is always good for your body, mind and good mood.
