Let's stay healthy during the winter!

Winter is usually the period when a lot of colds and viruses fly around. People get sick more often and feel no power for their daily tasks. This can be changed with some very simple, natural, homemade products.

Staying healthy

For me one of the most effective and strong immunostimulants is the mix of honey, lemon and ginger. This magnificent natural elixir is not only antioxidant for the body, but also keeps the health in a good condition. One spoon per day during the cold period of the year may do miracles!

The honey contains potassium, magnesium, sodium and antioxidants and the ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory action and for helping digestion. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron and magnesium. The lemons are full of vitamin C and have an antiseptic effect. The combination of the three ingredients has a powerful effect in the fight against viruses and colds and also stimulates digestion and boosts metabolism.

What you need is half jar of honey, 3-4 lemons and a small piece of ginger. Squeeze the lemons and cut the ginger in small cubs. Then mix them very well with the honey and put the whole jar in the fridge.

One spoon every morning before breakfast and coffee/tea is enough. It’s highly important that the spoon is not metal, but wooden, so the honey is not oxidized. You can consume the honey-lemon-ginger in autumn and winter not only when you are sick, but all the time as an immunostimulant. It is not recommended in the spring, because of the allergies period.