Tomato or chocolate?

Do you wonder all the time what to eat and what not, what is healthy and what is not? Do you count calories before you take a meal and try to forget about that chocolate on the shelf? Well, I have some good news for you! :)

Picture of a tomato and a chocolate

Tomatoes are actually fruits that are known to be vegetables and are often used for different dishes. No matter the size, colour, shape and sort, this widely popular fruit provides variety of nutritional benefits for health and is preferred by many people around the world.

Tomatoes are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. They are an excellent source of vitamins B6, C and K, beta carotene, biotin, niacin, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc and selenium, as well as many organic acids such as citric and malic acid.

Thanks to the vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus, tomatoes are beneficial for the bones and dental health. The combined action of iron and vitamin C helps in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the creation of new red blood cells, which help to prevent or treat various types of anemia. The potassium in tomatoes improves the heart's function by helping to lower blood pressure. Lycopene improves the skin's ability to protect itself from harmful UV rays and the combination of vitamins A and C reduces skin aging.


Chocolate? Mmm, everybody loves chocolate and I have no doubts about that! Despite its reputation for being an unhealthy temptation, several major vitamins can be found in it, including A, C, E and D, as well as iron and phosphorus minerals. It also serves as an excellent antioxidant.

When you are hungry for chocolate, the ingredient that your body actually wants is cocoa and cocoa is very healthy. It is beneficial for the heart, blood vessels and nervous system, improving insulin sensitivity and even slowing down the aging process. It boosts the good mood and improves concentration, as it gives the brain serotonin and endorphins.

Ideally, cocoa or chocolate should be eaten raw, so when choosing a chocolate, it is preferable to look for a higher percentage of cocoa in it and lower percentage of sugar. In general, the darker a chocolate is, the richer of cocoa it is.

Although there are benefits from the chocolate, you should still eat it carefully. It is advisable to eat less than 100g per day. Also, do not neglect the fact that chocolate is rich in caffeine. So do not forget that you can eat whatever you like, but just be cautious about the quantities, that is enough!