Bali, Indonesia (Part One)
Bali is a dream destination for a lot of people. Green rice fields, blue sea, waterfalls, temples and spiritual vibes are just some of the many must sees and feels in Bali. I will try to bring you to this land of peace and beauty in several consecutive articles.
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Calais, France
Have you heard about Calais? This city, located in northern France is a major ferry port and a main connection between France and England. Every few minutes ferries come and go from Britain to France and vice versa.
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Naples, Amalfi, Positano, Pompeii - Italy
Italy is one of the most loved countries not only in Europe, but also in the whole world. Sea, a lot of sun, delicious food, great wine, calm life and beautiful cities full of history. Wherever in Italy you choose to go, you will never be disappointed!
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Activate your chakras with mudras and mantras
Mudra means 'gesture' in ancient Sanskrit. In yoga, mudras are used to activate more awareness to the energetic points (chakras) within the spiritual body and to unblock the blocked energy.
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